Cancel Independence Day: Katy Perry, Jessica Chastain and Bette Midler among other celebs protest ag

As the Day of 4th July dawns, United States is divided in whether or not to celebrate its Independence this year. The country enters its 246th year of independence while many took to social media to use this as an opportunity to protest against the recent overruling of Roe V. Wade. Ten days ago the Supreme Court overruled a decades old decision recognizing women’s right to abortion as constitutional. The judgment was not welcomed in many sections of the society and was seen as a major blow to women’s rights.
In protest of the ruling many female celebrities including Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian, Bette Midler and Jessica Chastain demanded to cancel 4th of July. Bette Midler, used humor as a weapon posting a meme that said there has been a shortage of independence in the country for women.
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) July 2, 2022
The American pop singer Katy Perry referred to one of her songs “Fireworks” to sarcastically imply the restriction of rights women are facing. She said that women have ‘fewer rights than a sparkler’.
“Baby you’re a firework” is a 10 but women in the US have fewer rights than an actual sparkler smh
— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) July 4, 2022
Joining in Jessica Chastain used no words to protest. A simple show of gestures gave a clear and strong message to those hampering women’s access to reproduction rights.
Happy “Independence” Day from me and my reproductive rights.
— Jessica Chastain (@jes_chastain) July 4, 2022
The debate sparked over social media and people quickly began to pick sides. Women from different walks of life came forward in protest of the 24th June verdict. The Indian-American activist and TV show host Padma Lakshmi claimed that there wasn’t much to celebrate this Independence Day. similar to Katy Peer Lakshmi used her art to demand a much advocated change.
🇺🇸 #notahappy4th
— Padma Lakshmi (@PadmaLakshmi) July 4, 2022
Much like the debates around abortion rights, Canceling 4th of July had it opponents and proponents both of whom were vocal on their social media this independence day. The celebs kept facing backlash for their political inclinations and stance on anti-abortion campaigns around the US.
Amidst all the social media protest a real unfortunate incidence of yet another mass-shooting took place at the Fourth of July Parade at Highland Park claiming the lives of six people and wounding dozens. The picture of America’s 246th independence looked conflicted and divided at the outset.