
COD Mobile player Flashlight gets sentenced to 14 years in prison for murdering fellow gamer Sol

On February 23, 2021, Call of Duty Mobile professional player Ingrid Oliveira Bueno da Silva, known as “Sol" was reportedly stabbed to death by a fellow esports player Guilherme Alves Costa in São Paulo, Brazil.

A year and a half later, the accused has been sentenced to 14 years in prison, as per the player's confession. The court's decision was handed out on Monday night, August 15, 2022, by Justice of São Paul. As per the decision made by the magistrate, the covincted cannot appeal for freedom now:

"I strongly believe the accusatory request in order to convict Guilherme Alves Costa, qualified in the case, as inprogress in the crime provided for in art. 121, §2, I and III, the Penal Code, to the penalty of 14 (fourteen) years of imprisonment, in an initial closed regime. I fail to grant him the right to appeal in freedom. The reasons that led to the decree of their custody persist, now reinforced by the conviction."

Note: The above information has been obtained from Metrópoles via Google Translate.

A look at Call of Duty Mobile player Sol's gruesome murder case

19-year-old Call of Duty player Oliveria was in contact with Costa, who goes by the online alias of "Flashlight." Both of them met online and instantly became good friends due to their mutual love for gaming, especially the battle royale title, Call of Duty.

Costa has been given a 14-year sentence (Image via Jake Lucy/Twitter)

After approximately a month of getting to know each other through Call of Duty Mobile, Costa went to Oliveria's residence where he stabbed her multiple times at her own residence in the Pirituba neighborhood north of Sao Paulo.

The terrifying crime was first discovered when Costa shared a couple of images of Sol's body on his WhatsApp group after committing the crime. One of the groups, the Gamers Elite Organization, instantly reported the incident to the local authorities and Alves Costa was under arrest within 30 minutes of carrying out the murder.

After being arrested by the legal authorities, Costa showed no signs of remorse or regret and further shared a couple of images on his WhatsApp group. While the real purpose behind the evil act is yet to be known, he blatantly admitted that he had already planned out the murder. The case was then registered as a homicide.

However, after a year and a half, justice has finally been served as Costa has been levied a prison time of 14 years for his crimes. During his imprisonment period, Costa will need to undergo psychiatric follow-ups and routine check-ups.

As pointed out by Twitter user nemsei (@lcsprol), he was deemed "Semi-Imputable" and needed to undergo some psychological tests first. They further went on to say that he might be sent to a mental institution for life, instead of a 14-year sentence in prison. However, this information could not be confirmed.

Imaeg via nemsei/Twitter)

Sol's murder news spread like wildfire in the Call of Duty community, evoking a plethora of condolences from family and friends. The loss of the Call of Duty player has been devastating to her family and the gaming community.

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Abbie Anker

Update: 2024-05-04