Is Nicole Auerbach related to Red Auerbach? Learning more about two personalities related toNBA
The name Red Auerbach is something that fondly comes to mind when thinking about the rich history of professional basketball in the United States. Arnold Jacob Auerbach or "Red" was the head coach of the Boston Celtics from 1950 to 1956, and he helped the team secure one championship after another during this time.
Now, in more modern times, another person with the last name Auerbach has made a name for herself in the sports industry - Nicole Auerbach. Nicole Auerbach covers college football and college basketball for The Athletic.
Furthermore, she is a sports analyst and a radio host. In 2020, she received the Sports Writer of the Year from the National Sports Media Association and is the youngest person ever to win this award.
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70% Win
70% Win
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The quick answer to that question is no. Nicole and Red Auerbach are not biologically related. Despite sharing the same surname and a love for basketball, the two sports personalities are in no way related to one another.
Red Auerbach's achievements as a head coach
During Red Auerbach's tenure as the head coach of the Boston Celtics from 1950-1966, the team won nine NBA championships. One in 1957 and then his team won eight straight titles from 1959-1966.
He coached several Hall of Famers like Bill Russell, John Havlicek and Bob Cousy. In total, Auerbach coached thirteen NBA players who eventually made it into the Basketball Hall of Fame.
He is remembered as one of the greatest coaches in league history due to his team's incredible success.
After coaching, Auerbach transitioned to the role of General Manager for the Celtics, and he saw success in that role. The team won seven more championships, and he formed one of the greatest rosters ever with the Hall of Famers Kevin McHale, Robert Parish and Larry Bird.
Nicole Auerbach's stellar career as a sports journalist
Nicole Auerbach has held the position of senior writer for The Athletic since 2017. She is more focused on college football than basketball and writes many different articles related to the sport.
She is also a radio host at SiriusXM, making her a multi-faceted journalist. Furthermore, she serves as a studio analyst for the Big Ten Network. All her endeavors showcase her talent and versatility as a journalist.
Before writing for The Athletic, Nicole Auerbach covered college basketball and football for USA Today.
Nicole Auerbach makes it clear that she does not need to be related to the legendary Red Auerbach for her to carve a successful career in sports.
Also read: “Treat men with respect”: 5 ways in which legendary coach Red Auerbach impacted Bill Russell’s life.
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