
What happened between Rhea Ripley and Samantha Irvin? Explaining their "romance"

Rhea Ripley focused her attention on Samantha Irvin following Cathy Kelley’s move to SmackDown. But Mami’s interaction with WWE’s ring announcer didn’t sit well with the backstage interviewer, who made sure the world knew of her “heartbreak.”

Rhea Ripley flirted with Samantha Irvin at WWE live events. Mami’s hilarious attempt at flirting even went viral after someone uploaded the footage to the internet. Cathy Kelley’s reaction to the whole situation made for great social media content.

The 34-year-old star, who is active on TikTok, posted several videos of her reaction to Rhea Ripley’s “romance” with Samantha Irvin on the platform. For those unaware, Ripley is great friends with both Cathy and Samantha.

Cathy Kelley was moved to SmackDown several weeks ago, replacing Megan Morant on the blue brand. The Women’s World Champion even reacted to her friend’s transfer to SmackDown as a backstage correspondent.

Both women have known each other for a long time. Cathy Kelley used to interview Rhea during their time in Triple H’s version of NXT. She left the white and gold brand to pursue her interests outside WWE but returned after The Game took over the promotion as its Chief Content Officer.

Logan Paul namedrops Samantha Irvin during RAW promo

This week’s edition of WWE RAW kicked off with a promo segment featuring Logan Paul and Ricochet. The two men cut a promo on each other just days before their big match at SummerSlam 2023. Paul made things extremely personal when he referenced Samantha during his promo.

For those unaware, Ricochet is engaged to the WWE ring announcer. Logan Paul namedropped Samantha to distract Ricochet, which allowed The Maverick to drop his opponent with a Titanium Fist.

It remains to be seen how the match will turn out this Saturday at SummerSlam 2023.

What’s your take on this story? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Christie Applegate

Update: 2024-05-18